Tag: eco-friendly

The first things to consider when it comes to first aid for horse owners are temperature, pulse and breathing, particularly when your horse isn’t acting himself. Check them regularly so you have a record of his normal temperature, pulse, and respiratory rates on hand for comparison in the event of an accident or illness. How…
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Keeping a horse clean is a huge task on its own. Getting into a daily routine of basic cleanliness combined with a weekly bath and grooming session can go a long way towards your horse not only looking his best, but preventing permanent staining on grey coats and fending off minor health issues. Even if you…
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Caring for a horse means also caring for the environment you provide him with. We share nature, specifically watersheds that are crucial to our survival, with our family, neighbours, and the animals we’re lucky enough to co-exist with. As a horse owner, it’s our responsibility to protect that environment through choices that leave a low…
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