Many people give their horses treats in the form of candy (mints) or other sugars. This is very harmful for performance horses (race horses, dressage, grand prix jumpers, barrel racers and all other performance horses). Sugar including Molasses can be harmful to horses (and humans) on many levels. If you need to add something to the food to make it more palatable to the horse try adding ORGANIC APPLE CIDER VINEGAR. Below are some of the main reasons why you should avoid sugar in a horse’s diet:
– Sugar damages the digestion system of horses (and humans).
– Sugar (Molasses) kills brain cells. Use ORGANIC APPLE CIDER VINEGAR. Horses love the taste.
– Sugar in the diet delivers a glucose spike directly to the brain & blood sugar levels become unmanageable. Long term sugar intake reduces brain function.
– Sugar interferes with the delicately-balanced hormonal and reproductive systems in both mares and stallions. These hormonal interferences reduce the quality of the offspring or the ability to reproduce.
Long Term Effects
Long-term sugar consumption causes major health and performance issues for horses. Remove all sugar from your horse’s diet and the results will be notable (increased stamina and performance, improved temperament, higher resistance to disease, faster recovery from injury). In our experience, eliminating all sugar from a horse’s diet has dramatically improved the above-noted compromises to a horse’s health, stamina and reproductive capacities.
We have tested 6 major manufactured feeds including pellets with the company that tested the athletes of the Winter Olympics in Vancouver. There was too much mould in all of the feeds tested. There was no consistency in the amount of mould in any of them. Some were so loaded with mould it would have really compromised the digestion of any horse.
Remember: Sugar has never been in the horse’s natural diet—ever. Their digestion system simply cannot handle it without causing a complexity of health problems. Did you know that horses do not have a gallbladder? This would certainly impair their ability to successfully assimilate sugar.
The harmful effects of sugar on human beings is well documented in medical and scientific studies. While there are very few studies for horses on this topic, logic should certainly caution us on the potential compromises of sugar to your horse’s health.
Have you got any top nutritional tips to keep your horse in tip top shape? If so, let us know in the comments below or contact us on our Facebook page!